St Catherine of Siena Clinic, Mafoluku, Lagos, Nigeria
Meet the Administrator and the sisters of Notre Dame

Meet the Administrator and the sisters of Notre Dame

Good day, my name is Sr. Chinonyerem Ethelburga Ohaeri SND, and by the special grace of God, I am the Administrator of St. Catherine of Siena Medical Centre Mafoluku Lagos State, Nigeria. My becoming an Administrator of the above facility is not by accident for I have worked with both public and private establishment with a lot of experiences in the medical field.

I am a very dedicated, hardworking, committed and straight forward person, who believe that with God, all things are possible.

I hailed from Orlu diocese in Imo State. My becoming a Rev. Sister is a divine calling when I finished my education, I worked with both public and private establishment before joining religious life in the congregation of Sister of Notre de Namur.

I am a qualified Registered, Licensed Nurse/Midwife and Family Planning Clinician. I have passion for saving life and service to humanity, that is why I joined the religious life in order to accomplish my passions.

  I believe in my slogan which is “GOD’S HAND IS IN ALL I DO.” My accessibility cannot be over emphasized, for I am available anytime, especially as it has to do with saving lives.

Meet the sisters who work tirelessly in the Clinic to make it what it is today. We appeal to you to help us to grow our Clinic into a Hospital to meet the needs of the people.