St Catherine of Siena Clinic, Mafoluku, Lagos, Nigeria
Meet the Director of Fundraising

Meet the Director of Fundraising

Good day and thank you for visiting our website! Our mission at St. Catherine of Siena’s Clinic is to provide the best of care to our patients within our means. The number of people who come to our clinic is voluminous and we are trying our best to meet the demands of providing the best medical care. Currently, we provide General Medical Consultation to include Minor Surgeries, Gynecological Services, Eye Defects and Tuberculosis / HIV Care and Management. We also provide Antenatal / Delivery and Postnatal Care. Lastly, we provide child welfare and immunization.

Certainly, there are other numerous requests that a clinic or a hospital deal with on a daily basis. That is why we are seeking to raise our clinic into a hospital that would be able to meet the needs of the people in a more positive way. As we know, hospitals are one of the most important pillars of any society. They are the physical execution of one of the pillars that form the infrastructure of a nation – healthcare. An adequate number of hospitals in a country, with proper equipment and facilities in each, denote the kind of care and concern the government has for its citizens.

In order to meet these goals and the needs of the people, we need assistance with building an accident and emergency unit, intensive care unit, a nursery unit, x-ray department, sonography or ultrasound unit, a well-equipped standard theater, a cardiac unit, an orthopedic unit, ambulance services, to name a few.

One of the major factors that we face as a clinic is the amount of time a patient waits to be seen which may affect the utilization of healthcare services. Due to our size as a clinic, many of our services are outsourced too over stressed local government hospitals and other medical facilities in Nigeria. This provides patients with long waiting times as barriers to obtaining services due to the over-populated Lagos, Nigeria environment. This in turn causes undue stress for both patients and doctors. There is a need to provide more hospital services and care for the public.

This is our reason for reaching out to you to assist us. In reaching out to people in need for a greater good, we ask you to join hands in this humanitarian effort.

God bless you in your consideration.

Rev. Fr. Patrick Morrison, OP